Here's your unique US address
Become a Reach Member and get 15% off your first purchase (not to be combine with other promotions)
Orders over $100 from our online shop, shipping is free!
If you want to use our shipping service to buy from US retailers, please see instructions below.
Receive your account info
We’ll send you an email with your Reach Client ID
Have your virtual shopping cart ready to process checkout (on 3rd party website)
- Are your items legal & safe to import? If you’re not sure, check out this list of Restricted and prohibited goods from the Canadian Border Services Agency
- How large is your package?
- If under 5 lbs.
- Max length: 50" Max size (length + width + height): 120"
- +$7 per additional 5 lbs.
- Max weight: 20 lbs.
- If item is oversized, please Contact Us.
Input the Reach shipping information
- Delivery to Canada
- Address:
- Reach E-Boutique
- 634 Queen St. W.,
- Toronto ON M6J 1E4
- First Name: Reach E-Boutique
- Last Name: Your Reach Client ID
- Delivery to US
- Address:
- 4023 Kennett Pike, #686
- Wilmington, DE 19807-2018,
- First Name: Broad Reach
- Last Name: Your Reach Client ID
Notify Reach E-Boutique of your order
Email receipt & tracking information to
We’ll send you a confirmation email
- Which shipping carrier the merchant uses
- Merchant turnaround time
- COVID-19 Delays
*Once your order has reached our US address, it will take 3-7 business days (depending on day/time of arrival)
Keep shopping!
If you make another purchase, you can avoid additional fees by consolidating your order.
It's Here
When your package arrives, we’ll send you a notification email
We will keep your package for up to 15 days
Pick up your package
Taxes & duties
Reach Fees
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